PEMDAS - Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
The most important use of excel is to simplify our calculations. All computations involve basic functions of multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.
So how do we use PEMDAS in excel?
First, we can use it just the same as how we use a calculator except we have to use equal sign before the formula.
Then press enter for the formula to take effect.
The advantage of using excel instead of the calculator is you can trace your calculations and double check. Point your mouse on the cell to see how the cell arrived to value of 10.
Very simple isn't it?
Location of the cell means the row and column where you will find the cell. The column is in ABCD while the row is in 1234. You can easily see them at the upmost and leftmost part of the excel file. Cell A1 means the cell located in Column A and Row 1. Cell A2 means the cell located in Column A and Row 2 and so on.
Then we go now to the computations by rows and by columns. It is similar to a calculator but you have to list down all the figures you need to calculate first and then you identify the location of the cells you will get your values from.
Then drag the formula to the left/right/up/down whichever is needed. You have to make sure this cross shows up at the lower right corner of the cell before you can drag it down. As an alternative, you can use shortcut Control C (to copy the formula from the cell) and Control V (to paste the formula to the new cell)
Just a reminder, the values should be by column or by row for this to work.
Then Excel made the computations for you.
Let me introduce now the purpose of open and close parentheses
Please disregard the exponent part of PEMDAS first since it will be used in the advanced excel. It is not really used as often.
If you will not use parentheses and you like to compute in a single cell, it will automatically use MDAS. What It means by default, excel it will compute in that order.
Example: 4+8-6÷2×3
4+8-6÷6 (computed 2×3=6) - multiply
4+8-1 (computed 6÷6=1) - divide
11 (computed 4+8-1=11) - addition and subtraction
When all that is left is addition and subtraction, you will always arrive to the same computation whatever you use first.
To know if you understand MDAS well, please try computing the following and see the correct answers below:
1. 5-6÷2+1×2
2. 8×3-6×1+3
3. 8÷2+6-7×1
1. 4
2. 21
3. 3
Now that you know MDAS, you can intruct excel to disregard it and perform the operations as you intend to.
But take note that for operations inside the parentheses, MDAS still takes effect.
So the priorities would be compute those that are inside a parentheses then back is MDAS.
Let us say using the same problems above but with parentheses, what would be the result?
1. 5-6÷(2+1)×2
2. 8×3-6×(1+3)
3. 8÷(2+6)-7×1
1. 1
2. 0
3. -6
As long as you know the basics of operations using excel, it will be easier to just encode the numbers and let the Excel do the Math. If you are not very sure of the formula you created, you can check it manually first to check . When you are already familiar with it, you can now rely to excel. It reduces chances of human error and in case a mistake from your part happens, it will be easier to trace.
To test your learning, kindly take this test.
To test your learning, kindly take this test.
I hope you learned a lot from this lesson. If there's anything you would like to add or suggest or correct, please comment below.
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